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Our Story

We want to create a space that celebrates and accepts EVERYONE. 

Makeup is often seen as a way to change ourselves but we see it as an amazing tool to simply express ourselves in different ways and be creative! 

It is, and always should be, about exploring, making mistakes, learning and trying new things!

Everything we create has been thoughtfully developed to give you a platform to express your creativity & individual style!

We want our story to really be OUR (you, me, our community) story.

From Alex

I always dreamed of having my own makeup brand. Being a 19 year old queer person, I never would have thought I’d be here. I will forever thank you for giving me the platform to create this space.

As a trans teen, shopping for makeup that is mainly targeted towards women wasn’t ideal. I wanted to create a makeup line that is not only versatile for everyone to use but one that also builds community. A space that celebrates me as a queer person and pushes individuality and creativity. I want you to feel amazing when you use ARY WORLD! 

ARY stands for Accepting the Real You.

It also happens to be the last three letters of my name Alexary, my sister's name Valary & my brother's name Zachary.

ARY means so much to me. After over a year in the making, I am so excited to be in this virtual world we build together and see the looks you create!